16mm Film

This is a sample of what a digitized black and white film with some dust and scratch minimum clean up processing can look like at 4K . This film had a mono optical soundtrack. Contrast correction was also processed as well as subtitle creation to assist hearing impaired. The film was a circa 1951 Bermuda Holiday depicting how wonderful it would be to visit Bermuda. It has scenes from various activities which were offered to tourists...

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The Aaronsburg Story. A film, digitized & restored from a 16mm optical sound black and white, 1951. This is the Aaronsburg Story which was filmed in 1951 during a celebration of the contributing founder Aaron Levy who helped establish Aaronsburg. It is a documentary showing the small town of Aaronsburg, population of about 400 during the anniversary celebration commemorating the work of Aaron Levy who donated much to make the town...

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This example is a 7 minute 38 second clip with 4 copies of a short 16mm film. The film was originally shot at 16 FPS ( Frames Per Second). In order to digitize the film properly, each frame must be accurately captured but must also conform to normal standards used in the digital world. With a film shot at 16 FPS and played at 24 FPS, the issue becomes clear when the motion of the subjects in the film move too fast.  In order to...

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Film Transfers 16mm Silent Film, 16mm Sound Film Optical & Magnetic, 8mm Film, Super 8mm Film & Sound Our Film Transfer process uses a special method called “AIR TRANSFER” This method allows versatility in the final product which results in SD quality for DVD and HD quality for Blu-Ray Video and 4K.  “AIR TRANSFER” renders out a visual transfer with no hot spots or dark edges…  No Flicker and no...

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