Posts Tagged "DVD"

U-Matic Video Transfers   U-Matic being one of the very first steps away from an actual Reel To Reel Video recorder was well on it’s way to becoming the Video Home System but it’s price and size seemed to keep it out of homes.  It did however find a home with Corporate and Educational environments for Video. With much use, the U-Matic format proliferated and is still found today within many archives awaiting conversion and...

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Just because you have transferred all of your important data to digital discs, does that mean it will be there next time you need to access it? OR Could there be a missing link which no one has ever discussed with you?  The missing link of “DATA DEATH” …  You thought you had done your job and moved into the future where everything will always get better…  Right? Before you find every precious bit and byte has...

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Todays pace in preserving images, documents, video, audio and much more has given the world a wonderful step forward in managing how we record and save information.  With the advent of digital media comes the methods for capturing and saving of this modern age…  “Solid State” …  This buzzword is the icon of success as it means using new mediums which can be written to and erased over and over again.  The amount...

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Beta-VHS-8mm Video Transfers There came a time in history when the commercial Reel to Reel Video recorder was not an acceptable video format for home users who wanted a way to record their favorite TV shows and movies.   Sony was the first to the table with a solution…  They called it Alpha…  Not long into the research of Alpha did they find that the design was unacceptable for their desired product outcome…  They...

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