Video Upscaling vs Up-Resolution Enhancing

Basic upscaling is taking a video such as a Standard Definition interlaced video and placing it on a timeline that has a higher resolution in a software editor.  it is then forced to be enlarged to fit the new format.  This often can lead to significant distortion if only upscaling is used.  Upscaling can also be done with hardware that conforms lower resolution video to higher resolution video formats.  The software method allows for a much more detailed versatility in order to customize the look of the final product.  The hardware method is usually set by the manufacturer and limitations of the hardware.  With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, Up-Resolution methods are becoming very good at this upscaling + enhancing.

The hardware methods are considerably fast but not always that perfect look one might get from Artificial Intelligence software.  The software method is considerably slow but the results are quite impressive.  One key secret before embarking on converting interlaced low resolution to progressive high resolution is to find a way to precisely deinterlace the old footage so it can avoid the much dreaded stair stepping aliasing distortions.


Below is an example of old SD footage changed to a higher resolution.  The first part of the video shows an example of how not to do it and the last part shows an example of how to do it right.

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Click the lower right box on the video to see it in full screen.

Check Out another Standard Definition video Upscaled (Up-Resolution Enhanced) video.

The Amadee Way Up-Res